Fence detection: Detect penetration attempts at an early stage!

Fence sensors from the CIBORIUS Group

Intelligent sensors on the fence ensure proactive security, detection and reporting to the security network, the NSL and data-based responses.

Certified quality

Innovative sensor technology: Precise safety guaranteed

Sensors precisely report various parameters such as pressure or acceleration. CIBORIUS fences are equipped with advanced acceleration sensors that detect any mechanical force acting on the fence system. Attention is paid not only to pressure, but also to specific movement patterns. Tension wire systems are designed to reliably detect climbing over and penetration. Microphone cable technology enables immediate identification of large-scale tampering with the fence. In order to ensure maximum safety, infrared and laser sensors are used to precisely detect the penetration of boundaries, even over long distances. For cost-efficient solutions, the integration of current loops to detect third-party components in real time is a good option.

At a glance: Precise monitoring with advanced sensors

  • Early detection: fence sensors detect intruders at an early stage, enabling a rapid response.
  • Immediate alerting: The intelligent technology alerts you immediately in the event of unauthorized access, ensures rapid response and minimizes security risks.
  • Comprehensive protection: Sensors on the fence provide holistic protection by detecting potential threats around the site.
  • Fast response time: Rapid detection enables an efficient response to control and ward off threats in a timely manner.
  • Seamless integration: Fence sensors can be easily integrated into more comprehensive security systems to ensure a well-coordinated overall security solution.
Satisfied customers

Our locations: Modern fence sensor technology is not a regional or industry-specific topic, but relevant for every company

Our experts can use digital scenarios or demonstration setups to show how fence sensors work in the branches. Of course, we also offer test positions as part of an integrative project.

Fence sensors: Questions and answers (FAQ)

How does the fence sensor system work at CIBORIUS?

Our fence sensor technology utilises advanced sensors, including acceleration sensors, tension wire systems, microphone cable technology, infrared and laser sensors as well as cost-efficient current loops. It enables precise detection of pressure, movement patterns and acoustic signals and offers comprehensive security for a wide range of applications.

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