Further training: Tailor-made courses for special challenges

The CIBORIUS Group attaches great importance to specialized further training in order to prepare its employees specifically for particular challenges. DASM offers tailor-made courses that deal with highly topical issues such as preparing for the trainer aptitude test, preventing violence, dealing with victims of sexualized violence, recognizing extremist Salafism and dealing sensitively with traumatized refugees.

Qualification Training of the CIBORIUS Group
Certified quality

As a certified training company, the DASM Academy assumes responsibility within the framework of the

usiness approach, all training and further education courses of this type. You can find all details on further training



Specialized training for practice-relevant topics – insights, prevention and handling

The targeted development of specialist skills plays a decisive role in mastering complex tasks. The CIBORIUS Group therefore invests in specific training courses to equip its employees for special requirements.

Further training content includes

  • Preparation for the instructor aptitude test (AEVO): This course comprehensively prepares participants for the examination and teaches the necessary didactic skills to work successfully as a trainer.
  • Prevention of violence: Employees learn about preventive measures to prevent, de-escalate and respond appropriately to violent situations.
  • Dealing with victims of sexualized violence: The course sensitizes participants to empathetic and professional support for victims and shows ways of prevention.
  • Recognizing extremist Salafism: The training raises awareness of signs of extremist Salafism in order to be able to react preventively and appropriately.
  • Dealing with traumatized refugees: Employees are sensitized to the special needs of traumatized refugees and receive practical tools for dealing with them in a sensitive manner.

DASM enables employees to strengthen not only their professional but also their social skills through customized further training. This not only contributes to individual development, but also to a sustainable and responsible corporate culture.

FAQ – Qualification further training: Frequently asked questions

What external recognition do participants receive after successful participation?

After successfully completing the specialized training courses, participants receive recognized certificates documenting the qualifications they have acquired. These certificates underline the competence and expertise of the participants in the relevant areas and serve as recognized proof of successful completion of the training courses.

What role does the practical orientation of the training courses play?

The practical orientation of the training courses ensures that the knowledge acquired can be directly applied in everyday working life. The training courses are designed so that participants not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but can also successfully apply it in real work contexts. This helps to ensure that participants can see immediate positive effects in their professional activities after the training courses.

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