Save 40-60% of your costs by using an integrated security solution.
The general need for security is growing and with it the customer’s expectations and requirements. In order to meet these demands, many conservative service providers rely solely on increased personnel deployment. However, the customer understandably does not want to bear the resulting cost explosion.
What can forward-looking security service providers do to realize security projects sustainably + affordably ?
Nowadays, skilled workers are a rare and by no means inexpensive commodity whose potential and skills need to be utilised in the best possible way. So instead of tying up scarce human resources in property/perimeter protection, people should occupy decision-making positions and transfer all repetitive tasks to modern security technology.
The solution therefore lies in the clever combination of people and technology, i.e. from:
- experienced personnel at the neuralgic interfaces who evaluate, decide and act
and - autonomous robotic systems which, as part of a security network, routinely and seamlessly take over perimeter protection and lightning-fast alarm verification.
- experienced personnel at the neuralgic interfaces who evaluate, decide and act
Gemanagt von einer hochmodernen Notruf- & Serviceleitstelle, kann ein solch integrales Netzwerk nicht nur auf breiterer Datenbasis und damit schneller agieren, sondern auch automatisch / manuell Reaktionsmittel auf den Weg senden, welche – live – auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen.
And the costs? are significantly lower than those previously required for perimeter protection. If robotic systems take over this area of responsibility, a Savings of 40 – 60 % depending on the scenario. The bottom line is that more quality at a more favourable price offered.