The CIBORIUS Group has secured another success and has been awarded the contract for plant security at CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited), after the company had already taken over the extensive security services for the construction project of the new battery plant in Arnstadt.
Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) is the largest Chinese manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries and is now also one of the ten largest automotive suppliers in the world. In 2019, the company declared its intention to invest around 1.8 billion euros in Europe by 2025.
Since the ground-breaking ceremony in Arnstadt (CATL’s European headquarters) in 2019, CIBORIUS has been responsible for safety on the construction site of the battery compartment plant. The company offers a wide range of services such as access control, video surveillance towers, fire protection and access control systems from a single source. CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH – a company of the CIBORIUS Group – was able to convince the jury with its comprehensive security concept.
The battery manufacturer CATL is about to start production at Erfurter Kreuz. The powerful batteries used in electric cars, among other things, are of great importance. It was therefore crucial for CATL to find a reliable and responsible security service for the newly built industrial and administrative buildings. CIBORIUS was able to convince with its concepts in the tender and was therefore awarded the contract for the sophisticated plant security.
CATL’s conviction as a customer is no coincidence. CIBORIUS is characterised by integrated overall solutions that are developed and implemented by security specialists. In addition to advice and comprehensive support, the company offers qualified personnel and networked systems. Neben der Beratung und umfassenden Betreuung bietet das Unternehmen qualifiziertes Personal und vernetzte Systeme.
The integration of software, artificial intelligence and robotics is becoming increasingly important in order to make security solutions even more effective. CIBORIUS is aware of this development and therefore relies on innovative technologies to continuously improve the protection of companies and their systems.
#CIBORIUS #Security #CATL #Robotics #RoboticsInnovation
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Antonia Prautsch
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