CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024

23. August 2024

It is an established tradition at CIBORIUS to value all employees equally, to integrate them into the Group team and to focus on a wide range of training and development programmes right from the start. Of course, the company also remains true to this sustainable personnel approach with its trainees, supporting, mentoring and encouraging them. One of the highlights of every training year is the CIBORIUS Trainee Day, which took place at a CIBORIUS Group site in Leipzig in 2024 and provides comprehensive answers to what is probably the most important question for every trainee:

What does CIBORIUS do and what does it stand for?

The CIBORIUS Group is a certified group of companies that offers networked, complementary, customer-centred services as part of the CIBORIUS Integrated Business (CIB). Customers therefore not only benefit from the wide range of services, but can also rely on a holistic approach and customised solutions from a single source.

The individual companies in the Group and their strategic/technological partners concentrate on specific services and contribute their focussed strengths and experience to the concept. In order to understand which company stands for what, the trainees were given the opportunity to talk to experienced colleagues and familiarise themselves first-hand with the core elements of these services and technologies.

CIBOTICS: Bringing robotics solutions to life


As the most important partner in the field of robotics and AI, Security Robotics is a specialist in AI-supported Software as a Service (SaaS) and Robots as a Service (RaaS) services and was therefore happy to introduce the trainees who travelled to Leipzig to the latest surveillance robots, autonomous systems and how they work.

On display were long-range patrol models such as ARGUS, predestined for enduring autonomous patrolling of large areas, walking robots such as SPOT and GO1, which have proven themselves as agile all-rounders or perfect supporters/companions for security experts, and drone systems such as BEEHIVE, whose primary purpose is the lightning-fast clarification of alarm messages and acts as an “eye in the sky”.

Information was also provided on the underlying software, the interaction of robot and existing safety technology (IoT) as a networked system and its integration into emergency call and service control centres such as the CIBORIUS Group’s state-of-the-art NSL.

The direct contact with developers and the opportunity to take control of the project themselves were just as inspiring as the knowledge that we will be working with our “AI colleagues” even more often in joint customer projects in the future.

CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - CIBOTICS
CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - CIBOTICS
CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - CIBOTICS

GT.AI, the pioneer for intelligent security technology


German Technology & Artificial Intelligence, GT.AI for short, is the strong technological part of the CIBORIUS Group. When it comes to the design, planning, implementation and operation of efficient + networked security solutions, it is these experts, such as networkers, software developers and experienced technicians, who work in close contact with customers.

The young trainees were able to hear and experience the practical relevance of the CIBORIUS Group’s many technological solutions when they were given the opportunity to help transport and set up a mobile video tower, the Watchdome system. The trainees didn’t take long to get involved and lent a hand.

That’s right, because only when you experience for yourself how comparatively simple and well thought-out it is to move such a massive surveillance tower and make it ready for use, and learn more about its functions and – here too – networking in an ecosystem through the interaction of a security employee with NSL, robotics and other technology, does a feeling and understanding of the work of the GT.AI technicians and their relevance for the integrated services of the CIBORIUS Group emerge.

CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - GT.AI
CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - GT.AI

DASM, academic knowledge from practice for practice


The next stage of the Trainee Day 2024 was to explain to those present the importance of regular qualifications, even after successfully completing vocational training. For the CIBORIUS Group, the renowned DASM Academy, with its certified instructors and specialists from the security industry (including the police, the German Armed Forces and the emergency services), takes on the complete training of all employees, be it in matters of expertise, management or highly topical issues such as fire protection and first aid.

Of course, the academy knowledge from dozens of courses cannot be presented in a compact form in just a few minutes, but it is possible to demonstrate – again in a practical way – a selection of life-saving emergency measures that training participants learn in the long term.

Using a practice torso, each trainee was able to try out correct ventilation and chest compressions and was given valuable tips. A fire trainer was also used to practise the safe use of fire extinguishers and how to fight blazing flames.

After overcoming their initial shyness, the trainees showed particular commitment and always managed to extinguish the flames. The “new” self-confidence gained during these short exercises and the realisation of how important it is to react correctly in dangerous situations will already bear fruit during the training period.

CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - First aid
CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - First aid
CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - Firefighting
CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - Firefighting

NSL, a look into the heart of a security management solution


The importance of a modern, fully networked alarm & monitoring centre cannot be overestimated. Everything comes together here, all messages are recorded, processed, evaluated and appropriate measures triggered in real time. The security experts in such a centre are particularly intensively trained, experienced and attentive. The work of an NSL employee is therefore demanding, but also extremely exciting, as you have to deal with a large number of different customers, projects, reports, locations and technologies.

And so it was only logical to show the trainees this “heart” last, as they were now able to see live on the monitors exactly the systems and networks about which they had been informed in advance and experience another aspect and other areas of work, here specifically at CIBIORIUS Security GmbH.

Despite the many new impressions they had already gained, the trainees never tired of asking questions and obtaining very specific information about the processes. This curiosity and the interest shown in all aspects and opportunities that a future security expert in an innovative company such as the CIBORIUS Group has to offer in a special way, allow all those present to look to the future of the industry with hope – for sure!

CIBORIUS Trainee Day 2024 - NSL

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