Thuringia’s Minister of Economics and Science, Wolfgang Tiefensee, was able to experience first-hand yesterday how rapidly the digital transformation in the security industry is progressing and visited a logistics center in Erfurt yesterday, Monday.
The Thuringian politician wanted to see for himself what the state of the art is in the field of security and property protection. The event was organized by the Berlin security specialist CIBORIUS, which recently installed two intelligent security robots in the 46,000 m2 logistics area. CIBORIUS is the first provider of networked robot-assisted security solutions in Germany. Together with its cooperation partner Security Robotics The Berlin-based company is thus addressing the major shortage of skilled workers in the industry in an innovative way.
Walking robot SPOT® and its wheel-driven colleague ARGUS on patrol
The four-legged walking robot was on show in Erfurt walking robot SPOT®which, together with its wheel-driven colleague
goes on patrol every night. The robots move along fixed routes and deliver video images in real time to the emergency call and service control center. Both robots are equipped with high-resolution 360-degree cameras and can also be fitted with PTZ thermal imaging cameras and other hardware components. With their help, they can precisely recognize people and objects even at great distances. If the robot detects a suspicious person, it immediately sends a corresponding signal to the control center. There, specially trained experts analyze the images, assess the situation and initiate appropriate measures. If necessary, the control center staff can also take over control of the robot, for example to secure footage of a fleeing perpetrator.

As precise as clockwork
The robot duo in Erfurt uses their respective design advantages to perform specific tasks. So the four-legged SPOT®is safe even on difficult terrain, can climb stairs and skilfully negotiate unforeseen obstacles. Even in extreme temperatures and weather conditions, it continues to work tirelessly. In contrast to his colleague ARGUS its radius of action is limited to small to medium-sized sections, which it can inspect for up to 90 minutes without a break. The wheel-driven ARGUS on the other hand, specializes in extended patrols, which it only interrupts for short stops at the charging station. But even when charging, the robot remains on reception and continues monitoring. It runs its rounds at night like clockwork and is always alert and ready to report.

On the Erfurt site, each robot takes over exactly the area for which it is best suited. The robots work autonomously and make their decisions independently of each other. They are constantly learning as they work together, because they immediately store every new experience. In this way, the robot becomes a self-learning system that performs its task more precisely and efficiently with each new round. Thanks to their high precision and energy-efficient operation, the robots increase safety and reduce costs at the same time. Even the Minister is amazed and says: “An exciting mix of AI, technology and robotics and a great approach in times of a shortage of skilled workers”.
- Thuringian Minister of Economics and Science Wolfgang Tiefensee
- CIBORIUS Group, Managing Director and Project Manager
- Security Robotics, Managing Director and Integrator Specialists
#CIBORIUSRobotics #robotics #SPOT #RobotSystems #Argus #RobotSolutions #RobotInnovation