Public transportation (ÖPV): Innovative security concepts for public transportation

Greater safety for passengers and local transport companies thanks to a strong presence, reliable checks and networked patrol services

Public transportation by the CIBORIUS Group
Certified quality

Safety along the route: from bus to train depots, we are there for you

When people travel, safety and order play a major role. CIBORIUS takes care of this at bus and train stations, airports and ship terminals. Our staff are also deployed on the track to ensure a good travel experience, for example in the form of train patrols on regional trains. Of course, freight must also reach its destination safely and be guarded before departure and after arrival, as storage areas are often sensitive areas.

Our particular strength lies not only in the provision of security services, but also in the planning stage. We work together with you to develop a security concept and create a customized package of measures – from personal and baggage checks to access controls to securing bus or train depots and aircraft hangars, for example.

At a glance: Our services for public transportation

  • Risk assessment
  • Development of individual security concepts
  • Guarding sensitive areas, entrances, buildings and facilities
  • Provision of rescue personnel and equipment (medipacks)
  • Provision of personnel with special training and equipment (handcuffs, stab protection vest, gloves, baton (EKA), pepper spray, personal protective equipment (PPE)), e.g. for public transport
  • Trained and qualified personnel on duty
  • Permanent or regular presence
  • Inspection rounds and access controls

Personnel & technology: The qualifications of our employees far exceed the industry standard

A selection of our certifications:

  • Certificate “Expertise according to § 10 SeeBewachV”
  • IHK certificate “Expertise according to § 34a GewO”
  • Certificate “Commercial firearms expertise according to § 7 WaffG”
  • Medical assistant” certificate
  • Certificate “Basic safety training according to STCW”

Certified personnel with quality standards

Our employees undergo training and courses to equip them for all eventualities. This includes first aid training with a defibrillator, completion of the fire protection and evacuation helper course, the certificate of competence according to §34a GewO, unarmed self-defense, de-escalation training and training in self-defense equipment (EZN). This also includes instruction in the irritant sprayer, the handcuff system and the short extendable baton.

Our inspection services in local public transport also undergo the tariff training of the respective transport association.

And in order to be optimally prepared at airports, CIBORIUS personnel are trained in accordance with § 7 LuftSiG, the aviation security assistant in accordance with § 5 LuftSiG, the aviation security screener in accordance with § 8 LuftSiG and the aviation security screener in accordance with § 9 LuftSiG. CIBORIUS also secures sensitive maritime areas such as ports, with armed forces if required. We patrol the entire harbor area and guard docked ships. In addition to ferries, cruise ships and yachts, our locations also include cargo ships, tankers and offshore facilities. On land, we secure and check the crew, passengers including luggage and suppliers. Our staff undergo appropriate training and further education: The specialist for maritime security is standard, as are the certificates “Specialist according to § 10 SeeBewachV” and “Specialist according to § 34a GewO”. We have these certificates regularly checked by the IHK.

Modern technology against vandalism and theft

Depending on the circumstances, it makes sense to use state-of-the-art security technology, for example in the area of identity checks, as this enables potential threats to be identified using video support. In addition, video measures at night at bus stations (ZOB), parking facilities, hangars, terminals and freight stations help to prevent vandalism and graffiti. If there is a suspected case, the threads come together in CIBORIUS’ own and VDS-certified emergency call and service control center and measures are initiated according to the previously defined plan.

Satisfied customers

Our locations: We provide public transportation services throughout Germany

Contact persons and experts are available at our branches for personal consultations.

FAQ – Public transportation (ÖPV): Frequently asked questions and answers

What training do security staff receive for public transport?

Specialised training on de-escalation, dealing with dangerous situations, intercultural awareness, emergency intervention and regular refresher courses for up-to-date know-how. In addition, regular certifications and expertise tests are carried out. This type of continuous training guarantees a high level of expertise on a permanent basis.

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